The Addams Family: A New Musical follows the delightfully quirky and spooky Addams family, known for their macabre humor and love of all things bizarre. In this musical, Wednesday Addams, the dark and rebellious daughter, has grown up and fallen in love with a sweet, ordinary young man named Lucas Beineke. To make matters more complicated, Wednesday confides in her father, Gomez, and asks him to keep the relationship secret from her mother, Morticia—putting him in the impossible position of choosing between his wife and daughter.
When the Beinekes are invited to dinner at the Addams family mansion, the two families couldn't be more different. Chaos, hilarity, and some supernatural surprises ensue as the Addamses struggle to keep up appearances and impress their “normal” guests. As secrets unravel, tensions rise, and love is tested, the Addams family must confront what it means to be truly happy.
The musical features a heartwarming yet creepy blend of romance, family loyalty, and personal growth, with everyone discovering that it's okay to be a little strange—and that even the strangest families have something in common. Full of lively dance numbers, catchy songs, and the Addams family's signature humor, this spooky and charming musical celebrates the joys of being unique.
Overture | When You’re An Addams | FESTER'S MANIFESTO | TWO THINGS | Wednesday’s Growing Up | Trapped | Pulled | One Normal Night
Secrets | GOMEZ'S WHAT IF | What If | Full Disclosure | Waiting | Full Disclosure Part 2
ENTR'ACTE | Just Around the Corner | The Moon and Me | Happy Sad | Crazier Than You | Not Today | Live Before We Die | Tango De Amor
Move Toward the Darkness | Bows: When You’re An Addams Reprise